Man Swings Meat Cleaver, Gets Arrested

Man Swings Meat Cleaver, Gets Arrested

If you see this man when you're out on the town, run. He's on parole and carries a meat cleaver in his pocket. He'll also throw glass bottles at you. Welcome to the life of James Rulli.

He allegedly got upset in a bar and started swinging the meat cleaver around his head in a windmill motion and then threw it across the bar. He hasn't stated why he carried the meat cleaver around with him, but he did ask the patrons who tackled him to "please let me get out of here" since he was on parole.

The local Police Chief Leo Rudzki Jr. said "Mr. Rulli is no stranger to the department. He has been arrested several times for domestic violence issues, public intox issues. I'm sure he has an alcohol problem, an anger management issue."

Good observation, Chief.

News Source With Video: Man Tackled After Swinging Meat Cleaver

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Ray is the founder of Stray Monkey, and as a shameless plug he wants to remind you to check out the Research the News podcast.

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