Keeping Up With the Greatest Little Kid in America

Kid Mocks Kardashian Report

I don't have cable; so I've never been able to keep up with whatever the next Teen Mom Kardashian Dance Mom Housewife of New Mexico is doing; but what I did catch was this little gem from the Kim Kardashian / other famous person wedding that took place about a year ago.

In this video, CNN's Kareen Wynter is trying to gracefully report on the farthest stretch of the word "news" a major cable network has ever run, and this little kid decided to do the always-funny "Rocky and Bullwinkle" impression (circa Uncle Joey), and pretend to do the running man. The best part is that the camera man could so easily have cut to the left to get him out of the frame, but instead he kept right on reporting. I vote this guy for next Bro Council staffer. 

About The Author
Kristin Kipke
Kristin Kipke
Kristin is a law school graduate, former college swimmer, and in a past job, worked on the launch of KFC's Double Down. You're welcome, America.

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